Privacy Policy

We take your security serious

Privacy Policy

Processing of information
In connection with our work‐up, diagnosing and treatment of you as a patient, Fertility clinic IVF-SYD collects and processes personal information about you.

This Privacy Policy describes how IVF-SYD treats, uses and passes on your personal information.

Types of information
IVF-SYD collects and processes the following types of personal information about you (to the extent that it is relevant for you)

Common Categories of Personal Information
Name, address, e‐mail address, telephone number, social security number, gender, family relations and social relations, work relations and education.

Special categories of personal data (“sensitive personal data”)
Health information (e.g. patient’s notes, test results, tests, x‐rays, scan results, etc.), sexual relations, racial or ethnic origin, and religious information

We process your personal information for the following purposes

  1. Our examination, diagnostic and treatment of you.
  2. Preparation of medical certificates.
  3. Preparation of certificates for use by authorities, insurance companies etc.
  4. Communication with or referral to other healthcare professionals, doctors, hospitals or hospital laboratories.
  5. Medication, including issuing of prescriptions.
  6. Reporting to clinical quality databases.
  7. Reporting of laboratory tests to hospital laboratories.
  8. Settlement Purposes.
  9. Comply with our obligations under applicable legislation, including the EU Data Protection Act, Data Protection Act and other relevant health legislation, such as documentation mandated by law. Compliance with basic principles for processing personal data and legal basis for processing, implementation and maintenance of technical and organizational security measures, including but not limited to the prevention of unauthorized access to systems and information, to prevent the receipt or distribution of malicious code, the termination of overload attacks (denial of service attacks), and damage to computer systems and electronic communication systems, investigation of suspicion or knowledge of security breaches and reporting to individuals and authorities, handling queries and complaints from registrants and other, management of inspections and inquiries from authorities, handling disputes with registered and third parties, statistical studies and scientific research.

When we collect personal information directly from you, you provide your personal information voluntarily. You are not required to provide this personal information to us. The consequence of not giving us the personal information will be that we cannot fulfill the above objectives, meaning that we may be unable to examine, diagnose or treat you.

In some cases, we collect personal information about you from other healthcare professionals, such as hospitals, referring physician or from electronic journal systems. We process the received information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of personal data
To the extent necessary for the specific examination, diagnosis or treatment of you, your personal information will be disclosed and shared with the following recipients

  1. Information is transmitted to other healthcare professionals if necessary for a current treatment course.
  2. Information is transmitted to other authorities, clinical quality databases, the Patient Safety Board, the Joint Medicine Card, the Police, Social Authorities, Labor Market Insurance, to the extent that it is mandated according to applicable legislation.
  3. As a patient, you have access to your own information (self‐access) if we have such access established.
  4. Upon referral of patients, information is transmitted to the healthcare professionals to whom the referral has been sent.
  5. When reporting laboratory tests, the tests are passed to the hospital laboratories.
  6. When reporting information regarding patient treatment settlement, information is provided to the regional settlement offices.
  7. When we issue prescriptions, information is transmitted to the country’s pharmacies and the Danish Medicines Agency via the prescription server.
  8. When reporting to clinical quality databases.
  9. For the transmission of discharge notes, information is transmitted to the referring physician and, in some cases, the referring hospital.
  10. In other cases, information is conveyed to relatives or insurance companies.

Legal basis for processing and disclosure of personal data
The legal basis for collecting, processing and disclosing your personal information is for the purposes of ordinary patient treatment, personal data are collected, processed and transmitted pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) and (d) of the Data Protection Regulation, while the sensitive personal data are collected, processed and transmitted pursuant to Article 9 (2) (c) and (h) of the Data Protection Regulation).

In addition, we are obliged to treat a number of personal data about you in the ordinary patient treatment in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Authorization Act, Executive Order on Health Personnel notes, Section 5‐10, and Chapter 9 of the Health Act.

Health information for use for further treatment upon referral of patients is disclosed in accordance with the rules of the Medical Care Aid Section 20‐23 and the Health Act.

Reporting of laboratory tests to hospital laboratories is done in accordance with the rules in the Danish National Board of Health’s guidance on the handling of paraclinical investigations pursuant to the Authorization Act  

Medicinal orders on prescriptions are sent via the IT service “Prescription Server” according to the rules in the Health Act’s chapter 42 and the Order on Prescriptions and Dose Dispensing of Medicinal Products, Particularly Chapter 3.

Clinical patient data is passed to clinical quality databases in accordance with the provisions of section 195‐196 of the Health Act, and the notice on reporting of information to clinical quality databases, etc. Data may also be disclosed based on the specific consent from you as a patient.

Discharge notes, which is a brief summary of the patient’s history of illness and treatment, are sent to the referring physician and, in some cases, to the referring hospital according to the provisions of Chapter 9 of the Health Act.

Your personal information is disclosed only to insurance companies with your prior consent, cf. Article 6 (1)(a) and 9 (2)(a) of the Data Protection Regulation.

Your personal information is disclosed to your relatives only with your prior consent in accordance with the provisions of section 43 of the Health Act.

In the case of deceased patients, certain personal data may be disclosed to the deceased’s closest relatives, deceased general practitioner and the physician who had died in treatment according to the rules in section 45 of the Health Act.

Withdrawal of consent
If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you are entitled to revoke the consent. If you revoke your consent, it does not affect processing prior to revocation of consent, including a disclosure based on consent.

Using data processors
Your personal information may be processed and stored by our data processors, which keep them on behalf of and following instructions from us. Our data processors currently include

Dansk Medicinsk Datacenter (DMDC, CVR 32057578)
Infowise (CVR 35816011)
Bluegaarden (CVR 48117716)
European Sperm Bank (CVR. CVR 27506372)
Cryos International Sperm Bank (CVR 35514252)
SellmerDiers Sperm Bank (CVR 38339087)

Retention period
We keep personal information about you as long as we need to take care of the intended purposes. However, according to the registration order, we have an obligation to store these for a minimum of 10 years (certain types of data for 30 years) after the last entry to the notes.

There may be cases where we need to store your personal information for a long time, for example. in connection with a complaint or compensation case, in which case information will be retained until the case is finalized.

Your rights
You have ‐ with the restrictions of the law ‐ certain rights, including the right to access personal data, the right to change incorrect information, the right to delete information, the right to have limited information, the right to data portability, the right to object to the treatment of personal data, including automated, individual decision making (“profiling”).

You also have the right to appeal to a competent supervisory authority, including the Data Inspectorate (“Datatilsynet”).

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal information or the use of your rights, please feel free to contact us.

Get started today

Fertilitetsklinik IVF-SYD
Skærbækvej 4
DK-7000 Fredericia

Tlf.: +45 76 24 50 20

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