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Insemination with your partner’s sperm, in which the washed sperm is injected directly into the uterine cavity, can increase the chances of pregnancy for couples with a mild or moderate reduction in semen quality. If the semen quality is severely reduced, pregnancy is only possible by means of test-tube/in vitro fertilisation or insemination with donor sperm.

Insemination with your partner’s sperm can also be used in the case of unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis or lack of ovulation.

In order to achieve pregnancy by means of insemination, the fallopian tubes must be functional, i.e. there must be free passage through the tubes such that sperm cells can swim into the tubes and fertilize the egg in the outermost section of the fallopian tube.

If you’re in doubt as to whether there’s adequate passage through your fallopian tubes, we can provide an examination of the passage conditions by means of a so-called HSU.

As we’re a private clinic, you have to pay for insemination. Therefore we don’t need a referral from your GP, as this can only be used for public fertility clinics where treatment for the first child is free of charge. If you need help for a second child, you have to pay yourself, and this only takes place at private clinics, not at public clinics.

If you wish to know more about insemination with your partner’s sperm, then click here.

Insemination with partner’s sperm (IUI-H) or donor sperm (IUI-D)

Insemination is a treatment in which washed sperm is injected directly up into the uterine cavity. This can increase the chances of pregnancy for couples in which the man has a mild to moderate reduction of sperm quality or the woman has unreliable ovulation. It’s also the first choice treatment for single women and lesbian couples.

In order to achieve pregnancy by means of insemination, the fallopian tubes must be functional, i.e. there must be free passage through the tubes such that sperm cells can swim up to the egg, after which fertilisation can take place in the outermost section of the fallopian tube.

If you’re in doubt as to whether there’s adequate passage through your fallopian tubes, we can provide an examination of the passage conditions by means of a so-called HSU.

If sperm quality is severely reduced, test-tube/in-vitro fertilisation is necessary, in which the eggs are either fertilised naturally by means of IVF (moderately reduced sperm quality) or by means of ICSI (severely reduced sperm quality) or with donor sperm (in the event of a complete lack of sperm production).

As we’re a private clinic, you have to pay for insemination yourself, and we don’t need a referral from your GP.

Insemination treatment means that:

  • Egg development is stimulated
  • Ovulation is programmed
  • Sperm quality is optimised
  • The sperm cells’ route to the fallopian tubes is shortened

Preliminary consultation for couples to be treated by insemination

If you have previously undergone fertility treatment at another clinic, either public or private, it’ll be of benefit if you can obtain a copy of your medical records and send them prior to the appointment such that the doctor can get acquainted with your treatment needs.

At this first consultation we’ll begin going through your medical records, inform you about the treatment and listen to your wishes and expectations with regard to the treatment.

Subsequently, an ultrasound scan will be carried out of the uterus and ovaries, and we’ll draw up a plan for treatment. Prescriptions for medicine will be made and a nurse will instruct you in injection techniques for hormone injections if these are required.

If the man’s semen quality hasn’t previously been examined, or if this was done a long time ago, we recommend a new semen quality examination, preferably the same day that you have an appointment for interview. In this case, the semen sample must be delivered about one hour prior to the appointment.

Registration for treatment

You can register for insemination treatment on the first day of your menstrual cycle, which is the first day on which you have proper menstrual bleeding (regular bleeding before 12 noon). On this day or on the next weekday you should contact IVF-SYD on tel. +45 76 24 50 20 (all weekdays between 9.15-12.00 and 12.30-14.30) and make an appointment for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries, which will be carried out on around the ninth day of your cycle.

Hormone therapy

Depending on what’s been agreed, you have to take 1- 2 tablets of Clomid daily from the third to the seventh day of your cycle and, if required, hormone injections (Gonal F, Puregon, Bemfola or Menopur) 50-75 IE on the eighth and ninth days of your cycle, when you also have your appointment for an ultrasound scan and planning of the date for insemination. Sometimes you have to attend a couple of extra checks and continue the hormone injections.

Semen sample for insemination

The semen sample can usually be taken at home, unless you have more than 1 hour transport time to the clinic. The semen sample mustn’t be more than 1 hour old when we receive it, and remember to keep it warm, e.g. in your pocket. We recommend that there hasn’t been ejaculation for 2 days prior to the semen sample being mede. On the day on which we plan the date of insemination, you’ll receive a cup for the semen or we arrange for the semen sample to be made in the “gentlemen’s room” at the clinic.

The semen sample must be delivered 1½ hours before insemination so that the laboratory has time to purify the semen sample.

Donor sperm

Donor sperm and sperm donors are carefully selected.

The sperm donors are healthy young men who’ve been selected based on a consultation with a doctor and an examination in which they’ve been assessed to be physically and mentally fit. There are no known hereditary diseases in their families and they’re tested for infectious diseases, HIV and hepatitis B and C, as well as sexually transmitted diseases: Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. They’ve also undergone a chromosome analysis. It isn’t possible to test donors for all genetic disorders, and as such there’s a (very small) risk that the donor may be a carrier of a genetic disease. Donors are chosen on the basis of hair colour, eye colour, height and weight. If sperm donation takes place anonymously, this anonymity can’t be breached. You can state your wishes concerning donor characteristics. Apart from height, weight, hair colour and eye colour, we can’t provide any other information about the donors.

If you wish to use sperm from a known donor or a donor with a so-called extended profile, the sperm can be ordered from one of the aforementioned sperm banks. In the sperm banks a distinction is made between ICI and IUI ready sperm. ICI sperm is not washed before being frozen, whilst IUI ready sperm is washed before freezing and is thus immediately ready for insemination after thawing. It doesn’t matter whether you buy ICI or IUI ready sperm for your treatment here at the clinic, as we wash the ICI sperm prior to insemination. Some Sperm Banks also have different qualities depending on how many sperm cells are present in the semen portion (the straw) you buy. We recommend that you buy at least one MOT-10 straw per insemination.


When carrying out insemination, the washed sperm is introduced to the uterus via a thin catheter approximately 36 hours after the woman has taken an ovulation injection (Ovitrelle), such that insemination is carried out within the interval in which the chance of fertilisation is highest.

Insemination is painless. It’s an advantage to turn up for insemination with a bladder that’s half-full, as this makes insertion of the catheter easier.

After the procedure, you should go about your daily business as normal, and as such there’s no need to take it easy or call in sick for work. You may also have sex the same day and during the following days.

Pregnancy test

A pregnancy test of your morning urine must be taken around 16 days after insemination by means of a pregnancy test that you’ll receive here at the clinic. Please call or mail us and tell us the result of this test. If the pregnancy test is positive, you’ll get a time for a free pregnancy scan approximately 3-4 weeks later. The pregnancy test must always be taken – even if there’s some bleeding, as menstruation-like bleeding can occur during pregnancy.

If you have a weak positive pregnancy test and/or meagre menstruation bleeding, as well as pain on one side of the pelvis or down towards the rectum, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus). Such pains will often occur 2-3 weeks after a positive test. You must then call the clinic in order to have a scan the very same day.

If the pregnancy test is negative, you can begin a new treatment straight away.


The chance of becoming pregnant by means of insemination treatment is approx. 15-20 % per treatment.

If pregnancy hasn’t been achieved after 3-6 treatments, it’s recommended to move on to test-tube treatment/in-vitro fertilization fertilisation (IVF), where the chances are more than doubled.

Risks in connection with insemination

In connection with insemination, the objective is to produce one healthy child at a time. Twins and triplets are regarded as risks.

In connection with hormone stimulation, some women can experience a relative overstimulation of the ovaries, such that these produce more than the two-three follicles that are ideal.

In accordance with the Danish Health Authority’s guidelines, we aren’t allowed to inseminate if there are more than three mature follicles.

In such cases, we have to find an acceptable solution in consultation with you:

  1. Stop the procedure and the treatment.

No more hormones may be taken, nor ovulation injections.

Price: Any ultrasound scans carried out must be paid for. See applicable price list

  1. Follicle reduction

The extra follicles are reduced to the desired 2-3.

This is done immediately prior to insemination. The excess follicles are emptied with a thin needle.

Insemination is then carried out in the normal manner.

Price: See applicable price list

  1. Conversion to IVF

In this case, advantage is taken to the fact that more than three follicles have appeared (often 5-6), which gives a sufficient number of eggs for IVF treatment.

Hormone injections will continue for a couple more days. At the same time, an injection is given which prevents spontaneous ovulation prior to egg retrieval. 35 hours after the ovulation injection, all large follicles are emptied, the washed sperm is added and the eggs are then cultured in the laboratory.

After another 2-5 days, the 1-2 fertilised eggs are implanted in the uterus.

Price: Corresponding to half the price of IVF treatment. See applicable price list.

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Fertilitetsklinik IVF-SYD
Skærbækvej 4
DK-7000 Fredericia

Tlf.: +45 76 24 50 20

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