Baby or money back
Baby or money back means, as the name suggests, that if you do not become pregnant and give birth to a child after treatment at Fertilitetsklinik IVF-SYD, you may be entitled to get some money back. You can withdraw from the contract at any time and you will only be charged for the treatments we have performed. We also have the option of cancelling the contract, in which case you will receive a full refund.
To be included in the program, you must be prepared to use donor eggs and/or donor sperm.
The price includes all treatments, including the use of donor eggs and any anonymous donor sperm from our stock. However, the price does not include medication for you and any egg donor.
Should we call you
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Fertilitetsklinik IVF-SYD
Skærbækvej 4
DK-7000 Fredericia
Tlf.: +45 76 24 50 20