Anonymous Sperm Donation

In anonymous sperm donation, the following information, called the basic profile, is available about the donor: height, weight, eye colour, hair colour and skin colour. In addition, it is possible to obtain information about the donor’s blood type if it is deemed necessary for medical reasons.

You and any children who are born after the treatment will never be able to obtain further information about the donor. Anonymity also applies to the donor, who will never be able to find out about any children conceived after treatment with his sperm.

At Fertility Clinic IVF-SYD we have anonymous donor sperm in stock. It is a selection from a Danish sperm bank and if you want to make use of this, you choose a donor based on the basic profile.

Non-Anonymous sperm donation

If you want to choose a non-anonymous donor, you must order donor sperm yourself from one of the available sperm banks. There are 2 types of non-anonymous sperm donation:

Non-ID release (non-open)

Non-ID release sperm donation is a non-anonymous sperm donation, where it is possible to obtain more information about the sperm donor, at the time of donation, than is contained in the basic profile (height, weight, hair colour, eye colour and skin colour).

For example, the sperm bank’s donor catalogue may contain information about the donor’s profession, hobbies, education, voice sample, baby photos, etc. However, it is not possible to obtain information about the donor’s identity at any time, nor will it be possible for a potential child to obtain information about the donor’s identity. Nor will the donor ever be able to obtain information about any children conceived after treatment with his sperm.

ID release (open)

In ID release sperm donation (open sperm donation), the donor’s identity is not known to you, at the time of donation. But the donor has agreed to be available for contact at a later date. The contact information is only available to the child and commonly the child will be able to receive information about the donor’s identity, once it has turned 18 years old.

The donor will never be able to be named as the father of the child or receive information about any children conceived after treatment with his sperm. As with non-ID release sperm donation, it is possible to obtain more information about the donor than what is contained in the basic profile.

What should I choose for my treatment?


At a sperm bank you can buy straws with different qualities: MOT. MOT indicates how many motile sperm cells there are per millilitre of sperm. The sperm straws we have at the clinic are MOT20 and thus fulfil the quality requirements of IVF-SYD.

MOT20 straws can be used for both insemination (IUI) and IVF treatment.

If you order your own sperm straws from a sperm bank, you can buy sperm straws with varying MOT (e.g. 5, 10, 20 etc.).

See the table below.


There are 2 different types of straws, called IUI and ICI (most straws are IUI, which we recommend, but we can also use ICI)

The difference between IUI and ICI is:

  • IUI (Intrauterine insemination) The sperm is purified from the sperm bank and we do not need to purify the sperm further in the lab. It can be inseminated directly into the uterus or used for IVF
  • ICI (Intracervical insemination) Raw sperm that needs to be purified before it can be used for in utero insemination (IUI) or IVF.

See the table below.

Number of straws for treatment

In most cases, ordering 1 or 2 straws will be sufficient, but you can easily order more straws to save transport costs. However, you cannot return excess straws to the sperm banks, so you should of course take this into consideration.

At IVF-SYD, straws are stored free of charge for the first year, after which storage is charged annually according to our price list.

See the table below.

Table of straws MOT, IUI, ICI

Donor sperm typeIUI (Insemination treatment)IVF (Egg retrieval)
MOT 5 ICI%(√)
2 straws recommended
MOT 10 ICI(√)
2 straws recommended

When should we receive the sperm straws:

The straws should arrive at least a week before the scheduled treatment – so please be on time.


Whether the straws are sent on dry ice or liquid N2 (nitrogen) does not matter to us.

However, please note that if shipped on dry ice, we only receive the straws on the following days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Once pregnancy is achieved, you may consider reserving multiple straws from the same donor if siblings are desired.

NOTE: Please order sperm straws for the woman to be treated.

How are sperm donors selected and screened?

Sperm donors are young, healthy men who are selected after a medical interview and examination, where they are assessed as mentally and physically healthy. No known hereditary diseases have been found in their families and they have been tested for infectious diseases, HIV and liver inflammation (hepatitis B and C) as well as STIs: chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. They have also undergone chromosome analysis. It is not possible to test the donor for all genetic diseases, so there is a (very small) risk that he is a carrier of a genetic disease.