For lesbian couples

Shared motherhood / ROPA is a fertility treatment for lesbian couples where one woman donates eggs and the other woman carries the pregnancy and gives birth. With shared motherhood/ROPA, the child is genetically related to one mother and born from the other mother.

We know that it means a lot to many lesbian couples that this treatment is now an option. At IVF-SYD, we will advise and support you through a safe process where you both become an active part of creating your dream family.


What is shared motherhood / ROPA?

As a treatment method, Shared motherhood/ROPA is carried out as an IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment. It is the woman who is going to donate the eggs who has to undergo treatment first. Under local anesthetic, the eggs are removed from her ovaries with a thin needle and is then fertilized with sperm in the laboratory.

One fertilized egg is placed in the uterus of the woman who will carry the pregnancy, and any remaining fertilized eggs can be frozen if they are suitable.

Donor sperm

One of the choices you need to make before the treatment begins is the choice of donor sperm. If you want an anonymous donor, we have a representative stock of donor sperm at the clinic. If you want an open donor, you can contact a sperm bank and order the sperm to the clinic.

The shared motherhood / ROPA program


The initial consultation

If you would like to start treatment for shared motherhood/ROPA at IVF-SYD, your first step is to come to an initial consultation at the clinic.

You can book your appointment by calling us during office hours Monday – Friday 9:15 am -11:45 am and 12:30 pm -2:30 pm. You are also welcome to send us an email so we can call you.

You will meet a doctor and a nurse at the appointment. An ultrasound scan will be performed on both of you. Then, based on your wishes and the examinations, a plan will be made for your treatment.


Treatment of the woman donating eggs

This woman in the couple undergoes egg stimulation treatment and egg retrieval, which is completely similar to IVF treatment.

We will discuss your treatment in more detail during the initial consultation.


Treatment of the woman carrying the pregnancy

The woman who is going to receive the fertilized egg and carry the pregnancy will need a light hormone treatment until the egg transfer to prepare her to receive the egg.

We will discuss your treatment in more detail during the initial consultation.