We want you to have the best experience
Our treatments are available for both singles and couples who want help getting pregnant
After light hormone therapy, sperm is injected directly into the uterus via a thin catheter.
Treatment with hormone stimulation, egg retrieval and placing a fertilised egg back into the uterus.
We have direct contact with young women who want to donate their eggs to childless people.
Choose between anonymous, non-anonymous and known sperm donation. Read how to order sperm for the treatment.
In case of reduced sperm quality, the sperm can be injected directly into the egg with a thin needle.
Fertilised eggs are frozen at the blastocyst stage after they have been grown in the lab for 5-6 days.
If you are sterilised, a testis biopsy may be relevant. It is performed by taking a sample directly from the testicle.
Are you unsure about your fertility? Get your fertility checked and have a chat with your doctor.