Treatment with frozen eggs is relevant if you have fertilised eggs in the freezer. The frozen eggs have been grown for 5-6 days in the laboratory and are now blastocysts. These eggs have a high chance of pregnancy and tolerate the freezing procedure very well. In normal fertility, approximately 1/3 of fertilised eggs reach this stage of development, but only blastocysts of a certain quality and thus pregnancy potential are frozen.

At IVF-SYD, the laboratory uses a special freezing method: vitrification, which we were the first clinic in Denmark to use back in 2006. Vitrification is a flash freezing of the eggs, which minimises freezing damage to the eggs.

In our experience, at least 95% of eggs survive the thawing process.

Transfer of a frozen egg

If you have not been active at the clinic for a while, e.g. because you have had a baby or taken a longer break from fertility treatment, please contact us and make an appointment for a short consultation and ultrasoundscan. Your treatment is arranged at the short consultation, where you will receive a treatment plan and prescriptions.

Frozen eggs can be transferred either in the woman’s natural cycle or after hormone therapy.

Natural cycle treatment

During the maturation of an egg, the follicle produces hormones that stimulate the lining to become ready to accept a fertilised egg. You should therefore be scanned on day 10-12 of your cycle so that the dominant follicle can be measured and the day for thawing and egg transfer can be planned.

Treatment in hormone-stimulated cycle

This treatment is independent of the woman’s cycle and the stimulation is therefore suitable for women without regular ovulation or when you want to control the day of ovulation more precisely.

The hormone treatment, oestrogen (pills/patch/gel), should be started on the 1st day of bleeding. Oestrogen builds up the lining of the uterus and makes it receptive to the fertilised egg. At the same time, natural ovulation is inhibited.

You go for a scan about 10 days after starting oestrogen. Here, the thickness of the endometrium is measured. If it is fine and 3-layered, we plan to start progesterone (typically suppositories/vagitories) while you continue with oestrogen.

Remember to sign the consent form

We cannot thaw and transfer a frozen egg, if you have not signed a consent form beforehand.